Hey, I'm Lauren.

I'm a life coach, living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) since 1979 and found my way out of food and alcohol addiction (sober since 2021). If you struggle with any of the above, I got you. I can help you out of pain and show you how to live an amazing life.

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type 1 Diabetes

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Why your mind is like a junk closet

That needs cleaning out, so you can feel better

I think of the human brain the same way I think of a junk closet.

When we get really busy, stressed, or overwhelmed, we throw all of our crap (thoughts) in there without thinking through organization or process.

The more we throw in there, the more cluttered it gets, and the less clearly we can think. The less clearly we can think, the less capacity we have to handle life or manage our emotions.

Have you ever frantically looked for your keys, found yourself running around the house, and NOT able to find them? Only to have your husband, roommate, or friend calmly walk into the room, look around, and find them in 30 seconds or less?  🤦🏻‍♀️

That’s because when your mind is calm, you can think a lot more clearly. Said another way, the more stressed you are, the less clearly you can think!

😒 The challenge with having Type 1 Diabetes is that there’s a lot to think about.

😒 I heard somewhere that people with T1D make approximately 180 decisions in a day. That’s a lot of decisions, and to be honest, it feels like a lot more than that!

😒 Example: How many grams of carbs am I eating? How much insulin should I give myself for this meal? Will I go low? Will I go high? What food should I pack for my walk? What supplies do I need to order? What is that beeping in my pocket? Is it time to change my Dexcom? And on and on.

So, when you have T1D, the junk closet gets full pretty quickly. Add in an exam or a fight with a friend, and we quickly feel overwhelmed or stressed.

Enter coaching, and I help you organize the “junk” (thoughts) in your preverbal junk closet, so you can start thinking clearly again.

EITHER we clean out the closet by first focusing on your thoughts about your T1D or we focus on the other things in your life first, so that when we do focus on T1D, you have a much clearer mind to handle them.

Either way, we get the same results:

✅ You clear out the junk closet

✅ Your mind is clearer

✅ Your life feels much more manageable

✅ You feel better

This way, you’re able to show up as a better, clearer version of yourself to manage your T1D, more easily find your keys, pass your test, and handle the fight with your friend.

Need help cleaning out your junk closet (aka your mind)? I can help! Schedule a free consult and let’s chat.

Hey, I'm Lauren.

I'm a life coach, living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) since 1979 and found my way out of food and alcohol addiction (sober since 2021). If you struggle with any of the above, I got you. I can help you out of pain and show you how to live an amazing life.

About me


type 1 Diabetes

general Mindset


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