Hey, I'm Lauren.

I'm a life coach, living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) since 1979 and found my way out of food and alcohol addiction (sober since 2021). If you struggle with any of the above, I got you. I can help you out of pain and show you how to live an amazing life.

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type 1 Diabetes

general Mindset


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Prepping for an MRI

I’m getting an MRI on my shoulder next Tuesday, and I’m terrified.

The last time I got an MRI, it wasn’t even a full-body one, and I thought I was going to have a panic attack.

I didn’t like knowing that I was left alone, unable to move, the beeping freaked me out, my insulin pump had to be disconnected so I didn’t know what my blood sugars were, I wasn’t getting any insulin, and I was in a full-blown panic.

If only I knew then that my thoughts create my feelings. If only I knew then that it wasn’t the MRI causing my feeling of panic, it was all of my THOUGHTS about the situation that were creating my feeling of panic.

Now I know better. I’m prepared.

I know two things:

1. A feeling is only a vibration in my body.

  • What’s the worst that can happen with a feeling?
  • A feeling can’t kill me.
  • I know how to feel scared.
  • I’ve done harder things than an MRI!
  • I can sit in scared and be ok.
  • I can breathe through scared.

2. I know my thoughts create my feelings.

What feeling do I want to feel? Calm. I’m going to think of a few thoughts that I will think on purpose to create calm:

“I got this”

“I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be”

Need help changing your thoughts? Working through a fear? I can help.

PS If you’re wondering, I was diagnosed with bursitis or “stuck shoulder”. Aging is fun! 🙂

Hey, I'm Lauren.

I'm a life coach, living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) since 1979 and found my way out of food and alcohol addiction (sober since 2021). If you struggle with any of the above, I got you. I can help you out of pain and show you how to live an amazing life.

About me


type 1 Diabetes

general Mindset


Check out my free resources

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