Hey, I'm Lauren.

I'm a life coach, living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) since 1979 and found my way out of food and alcohol addiction (sober since 2021). If you struggle with any of the above, I got you. I can help you out of pain and show you how to live an amazing life.

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Embracing abundance: my journey to adult diabetes camp

I’m heading to an adult diabetes camp in Deckers, CO this weekend!

The excitement is real, yet so are the feelings of anxiety and self-doubt.

Why am I anxious?

My brain defaults to thoughts like this: Everyone will be younger than me, the speakers will know more than me, I’ve probably packed the wrong stuff, the ropes course is off-limits because of my shoulder – you get the picture.

Yep, my brain is firmly in scarcity mode. So let’s talk about that for a moment.

A scarcity mindset is like seeing the world through the lens of believing that resources, opportunities, and success are scarce commodities. It’s all about what I don’t have, what I might lose, and what others seem to possess. The result? Anxiety, competition, comparison, and that nagging fear of not measuring up.

💥 Here’s where the magic comes in – shifting gears to embrace abundance 💥

An abundance mindset is like stepping into a world where opportunities, resources, and possibilities are plentiful. In other words, it’s believing there’s enough for everyone. When I flip the script to abundance – positivity, gratitude, and openness follow.

So, how might abundance on this journey look?

picture this: I’m beyond excited to cross paths with some truly amazing people who also have T1D. I can’t wait to glean wisdom from the speakers at camp, and guess what? I’ve got my unique insights to bring to the table. And all of those other activities on the list? So many choices!

With each step I take towards this weekend, I’m making a conscious decision to embrace abundance – in my mindset and my actions.

Ever feel yourself slipping into scarcity? It’s not a problem.

Simply ask yourself, what do you have that you can focus on (vs not have)? The first step is becoming aware that you’re in scarcity. Then, ask yourself that simple question, and you can help gently guide yourself from scarcity to abundance. And then, watch the magic happen💥.

PS Check out how the experience turned out!

Hey, I'm Lauren.

I'm a life coach, living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) since 1979 and found my way out of food and alcohol addiction (sober since 2021). If you struggle with any of the above, I got you. I can help you out of pain and show you how to live an amazing life.

About me


type 1 Diabetes

general Mindset


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