The other day, as I was packing for my move, my blood sugar got really low. I forced myself to take a break and wait for my sugars to return to normal.
As I’m lying on my couch, my first thought was “I hate this feeling”. Which made me feel worse.
I started thinking about how being low is unlike anything else. When you’re sick with the flu, you slowly get better over time. But when you’re really low, it feels like you have no energy, and a task like walking across the room feels impossible. Then, there is this moment, where something clicks, and BOOM. You’re better in an instant. It’s the weirdest thing!
⛔ So I decided the thought “I hate this feeling” was NOT serving me at all. It was making me feel worse. Because your thoughts create your feelings.
So I decided to choose a new thought to think on purpose.
🎉 “This will be over as quickly as it came.” And I immediately felt better. That thought created a feeling of HOPE.
So now, every time I’m low, I’m going to practice this new thought over and over until it becomes automatic. 🎉
Feeling frustrated living with T1D? Simply need help creating new thoughts? I can help! #LifecoachingwithLauren
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