I fell asleep on my back last night for the first time ever.
I’ve been a “stomach sleeper” my whole life. There’s no way I could ever sleep on my back, I’ve always told myself.
Here’s how it happened…
A few months ago, I learned a simple yoga position that really helped me fall asleep. The problem is it’s a little hard to get in/out of when your shoulder hurts. (You lay on the ground and put your legs against a wall). It’s truly magic.
So my somatic life coach suggested I stay in bed and picture myself doing the move to see if my brain responds the same way.
I kid you not, I was asleep in minutes. On my back! 🤯
Not only did my mind respond to the yoga position as IF I was doing it, but I fell asleep on my back after 47 years of telling myself “I’m not a back sleeper”.
The more I told myself this story, the more I became it. I just needed a tiny bit of evidence to the contrary. And voila! All it took was an open mind to try something new 🙌🏼.
I challenge you to revisit an old story about yourself and see what amazing things may unfold!” 😊
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