Hey, I'm Lauren.

I'm a life coach, living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) since 1979 and found my way out of food and alcohol addiction (sober since 2021). If you struggle with any of the above, I got you. I can help you out of pain and show you how to live an amazing life.

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type 1 Diabetes

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Lesson from my frozen shoulder: It’s not about the effort, it’s about the energy.

As mentioned in previous emails, I have been dealing with something called “frozen shoulder” for the past two years. I decided to cancel a scheduled surgery to pursue a mind/body approach to healing.

I’ve learned so much from this somatic approach beyond how to heal my body with mindset techniques.

What I learned is that it’s not about the amount of time I spend working on healing my shoulder that matters, it’s about the energy with which I bring to the process.

I could spend ALL day observing my shoulder, but if I have thoughts like “You’re never going to heal” or “I’m so frustrated with this process” then my shoulder will get worse or stay the same.

However, when I approach it with calm and curious energy, detached from the outcome, asking a question like “What sensations am I experiencing?” that’s when I really start to heal.

I am finding that this concept applies to ALL areas of my life!

Here are a few examples:

🔹Dating – expecting every encounter to be amazing and lead to meeting my future husband, automatically sets me up for disappointment. Dates tend to go better when I approach them with an open and curious mindset, asking my date questions about himself.
🔹 Tennis – when I’m playing tennis, I find it goes much better when I focus on having fun vs winning the game. It puts me in the right energy when I’m unattached to the outcome.
🔹 General Mindset – I may be going through all of the right motions to change my mood, but if I bring the wrong energy, I won’t be successful in doing so. Therefore, it’s very important to understand what I’m thinking in order to understand what energy I’m creating.
🔹 T1D – when I interpret the numbers on my CGM as JUST information, my entire energy shifts. In other words, when I code 240 as “I need more insulin” vs “I really messed up”, the resulting energy is entirely different.

Does any of the above resonate? Can you think of your own example?

Here are some steps to help you the next time this happens to you:

🔹Step 1: Awareness: Pay attention to what you’re thinking. What energy are you creating with your thoughts? Are you attached to a specific result or outcome? Becoming aware of your current thoughts & expectations is absolutely key. You can’t change what you don’t know.
🔹 Step 2: Detach from the outcome. Try to detach from any expectation of your desired outcome or result. Try and make it about the process. Like the tennis example – have fun vs winning.
🔹 Step 3: Change your thought. If your thought is critical or negative try and pick a new thought that creates a better or more neutral energy.

Try it. See what happens!

Need help to do the above? I can help.

Hey, I'm Lauren.

I'm a life coach, living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) since 1979 and found my way out of food and alcohol addiction (sober since 2021). If you struggle with any of the above, I got you. I can help you out of pain and show you how to live an amazing life.

About me


type 1 Diabetes

general Mindset


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