I couldn’t sleep last night.
I was cold, my skin felt dry and itchy, I couldn’t calm down my racing brain, and I thought sleep would never come.
After taking care of each basic need (closed the windows, put on lotion, and wrote down my thoughts in a journal), I finally nestled into a super comfortable, cozy cocoon where I knew sleep was only minutes away…
Then I felt the vibration of my insulin pump alerting me that my blood sugar was low.
🤬 My thought: “Damn it, $@*#%!
🤬 My feeling: Rage
It’s been a long time since I felt that angry at an alerting pump.
My brain then spiraled into – I’m such an imposter, who do I think I am coaching people with Type 1 Diabetes when I can’t handle my own anger over this disease.
Then I paused.
That is just a sentence my brain created that is simply NOT true.
It is because I am a coach, that I know what to do.
I will…
☑️ Allow this feeling of rage
☑️ Not beat myself up for it and add shame & unnecessary suffering on TOP of the anger
☑️ Not perpetuate any lies or made-up stories about myself that are simply not true
☑️ Take deep breaths and let this feeling move through me, knowing feelings can’t kill me
☑️ Really think about where this anger is coming from (aside from the thought (damn it))
Where WAS this rage coming from? I know the thought “damn it” created my anger. But why did I get SO upset? My pump alerts me all the time.
And then it hit me. Duh!
I was mad because I couldn’t sleep! Old me would have blamed the pump for the entire experience. New me knows the pump got the wrath for alerting me at the very end of a quite frustrating experience.
Once I let the anger pass through me. I relaxed into my newly built cacoon, and sleep finally found me 💤💤💤
Do you blame everything on T1D and want help on how not to do this? Or simply want help learning how to pause after your anger so you’re not taking action from this place? I can help you!
Schedule a free consult and see if coaching is a fit for you!
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