Hey, I'm Lauren.

I'm a life coach, living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) since 1979 and found my way out of food and alcohol addiction (sober since 2021). If you struggle with any of the above, I got you. I can help you out of pain and show you how to live an amazing life.

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type 1 Diabetes

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Going low and scared? Here’s a meditation that will keep you calm.

Low blood sugars can be really scary, and disorienting, and seemingly take forever to return to normal.

Hyperglycemia engages our body’s fight or flight response, which can feel very uncomfortable.  

My friend and fellow coach Patricia Daiker created a meditation to help pass the time it takes for your blood sugar to come up. 

Next time you’re low, it’s scary, you’re feeling uncomfortable and all you want to do is eat everything but the kitchen sink (after you’ve treated the low appropriately), try this handy dandy meditation.

Not in a place where you can meditate? Here are a few simple things you can do:

Take a few slow breaths – in for 4, out for 6

Reassure yourself that you are, in fact, safe
Find a thought that works for you and repeat it over and over. Ex. “I ate what I needed to eat, I am safe”

Remind yourself that the low is temporary
Find a thought that works for you and repeat it over and over Ex. “This will be over as quickly as it came”
Put these in your phone, on a post-it on the fridge, or somewhere readily available to remember for next time you’re low!

Remember, the fight or flight response is biological. Our bodies are a beautiful mechanism built to keep us safe. The most important thing you can do is pay attention, notice it, recognize what is happening, and take small steps to enable the natural restorative process to happen.

Hey, I'm Lauren.

I'm a life coach, living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) since 1979 and found my way out of food and alcohol addiction (sober since 2021). If you struggle with any of the above, I got you. I can help you out of pain and show you how to live an amazing life.

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type 1 Diabetes

general Mindset


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