I hadn’t. I just learned the term, which is kinda ironic, since I just posted about my new found sobriety from alcohol.
However, it’s SO appropriate for what I’m going through. It talks about the negative and self-doubting feelings you have AFTER you get vulnerable with a large group of people.
I’m truly BLOWN away by the responses I received from my earlier post about getting sober. I did NOT expect it. My thinking in posting was– if I’m constantly sharing my journey as a life coach and being my true authentic self, how could I not show this piece of me? I also thought, if this post can help just one person think twice about drinking, or even better, get sober, it’s worth every raw emotion it took me to make the post.
The “hangover” I’m feeling about the post- is the discomfort of receiving such love and support. That may sound weird, but that’s how I feel.
❓ Am I worthy of it?
❓ What did I really do but post my truth?
❓ Did I thank people properly?
❓ Did I leave anyone hanging who showed up for me when they commented?
❓ How can I thank everyone individually?
It feels uncomfortable. It’s a very strange feeling. I guess that’s why there is a name for it. A vulnerability hangover.
One thing I’ve learned in life coaching is how to feel my feelings and sit in discomfort. Apparently, that’s where the growth happens!
So all I can do is–
🔷Feel the discomfort
🔷Say THANK YOU to everyone for their encouragement and support
🔷Keep telling my truth
As always, I’m here if you want to talk! Lauren@LifecoachingwithLauren.com #LifecoachingwithLauren

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