I did a meditation this morning that was 47 minutes long, and I loved every minute of it.
If you told me this 6 months ago, I would have thought you were crazy. I couldn’t sit still for more than 5 minutes!
I worked my way up to this by “sitting quietly” for 5 minutes at a time. I didn’t even call it meditating for fear of putting pressure on myself. But then one day I decided to make the commitment to try it, so I started doing guided meditations that were longer and longer each day until I started to actually enjoy them.
That’s exactly how mindset shifts happen – small incremental changes, lead to big sweeping changes until all of a sudden you’re like wow, look how FAR I’ve come, how much BETTER I feel, and how different my life LOOKS. You may not be able to see or feel the changes happening as they happen, but sure enough, they ARE.
If I’m a person who can learn to enjoy meditation, I truly believe ANYTHING is possible. If you’re struggling with a racing mind or just want to feel better, I can help.
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